I’m a constant reflector. It could be over the conversations I’ve had, the purchases I’ve made, or the impact I have on the environment. Wait, maybe I’m just an overthinker.
My latest overthinking comes down to what things bring me the most joy and are best for my family. I’d like to pair my life changes with my business and offer more of a home and living approach to Finches and Ferns. I’ve always had the intention to use this space as a place to share knowledge so I am expanding on that.
The last year has been filled with business launching and figuring out the plan for how that looks. Yes, I fully realize that sounds like more overthinking. And it truly was. I realized I don’t want this year to be like that. I want to enjoy the glimmers that bring me joy and instill certain values into my family.
I have been saving pin after pin on cottage core. I love the aesthetic, I always have. The natural materials, growing and making my own food, slowing down to enjoy the riches of my family and nature. And then I pinned one of many quotes that I’ve pinned. Something along the lines of just go and make the life you want. It was obviously prettier sounding. But it really hit me that I need to live my life in a way that matches my values and bring my business along for the journey.
So what am shifting towards this year? Slow meaningful less environmentally impactful living. It’s not something that will happen overnight. It never is for anyone and if someone tells you to make changes overnight and immediately, run! Adopt changes in a way that makes it sustainable for you. Build that foundation strong and build up from there.
There are a few places in life I’ve already made changes over the years that I can build on. Shopping habits, cooking and gardening, making my home my sanctuary and screen time.
1.) SHOPPING mostly secondhand for clothing and decor. I do have to shop for clothes sometimes. There are things you just can’t buy used. Looking at you, underwear…
If I do have to buy new I think about where my money is going and how that company treats their workers and whether I support that atmosphere.
2.) COOKING. I cook at home quite a bit. Most of our meals are homemade but there are ways I can improve. Shopping from small markets and stores and growing more of our own food is a great start. I’ve been a backyard chicken farmer for over 6 years now. I’ve recently added kombucha brewer to the list and worm composter!
I’ve realized that my children’s knowledge and relationship with food comes from me. So I need to get them involved and teach and guide them.
3.) GARDENING and connecting with nature. I grow 90% native plants and I am so proud of this fact. The garden is one of the top things in life that brings me joy.
This year I’d like to incorporate flowers for cutting and drying into more areas and into my vegetable gardening. The reason for this is two fold. Firstly, pollinators. They need food sources more than ever. Second, the beauty and joy of seeing the pollinators and the flowers will enrich our lives and little ecosystem we have going.
In order to do this I’m going to be starting some seeds and I’m looking into more environmental friendly ways than using plastic seed flats.
4.) DECLUTTERING Our homes are our sanctuaries. Far too often I walk by things in my home that cause me anxiety. Things that need taken care of, fixed, finished, decluttered. I’m tired of being held hostage to these feelings so I’m doing something about it.
5.) TRADTIONAL LEARNING means less screens. Like I said, last year was a lot of business and overthinking. This included a lot of screen time for me and my kids. I’m going to be trying to cut back on this and replacing it with more quality time with family and traditional learning like the library!
This isn’t the entirety of how I will be making changes. Just a snippet. Right now it’s words. In order to truly make changes I need actionable goals. So that’s what I will be overthinking next. I’m excited to share what I learn along the way. If you are into a most slow lifestyle I’d love for you to join my newsletter. And when it gets tough, just remember…